Entrance Wound
Exit Wound
What are the odds? The top photo shows where the lightning strike entered my condo and the bottom photo appears to be where it left the building. The big storm on Monday was long and vicious. Pretty much everything inside my condo was affected in some way. All the televisions went out. My computer was fried. I took it to the shop today to see if it is repairable. I have this very ancient computer that is like sending an email with a telegraph key, slow and tedious.
I've been on the phone with insurance companies most of the day. The condo next door had three televisions zapped. Kevin Johnson worked for over an hour to restore my internet access, but this old computer can hardly handle it anyway. Kevin said he had other equipment affected in the area. Larry Rabe worked until nearly 5pm to get one new coaxial cable replaced. There are several scorched areas, but the heavy rain put out any potential fires.
All this pretty much gives me a perspective about the foundation repairs. Right now owners are debating about when to repair the foundation posts and install hurricane straps. Some feel we can just take a chance that we don't have a summer storm and delay the work until after the high rental season. The chances of a lightning strike like this are much lower than the chances of a summer storm. The foundation repairs are long overdue and we will be just rolling dice again if we wait another summer. I don't want to take that chance. In fact I think we should put up some lightning arrestors. I did have surge protectors, but they did no good with this size of strike.
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