Alvin's friend, Brandi, shows off her biggest red ever. It was not quite a keeper, but she was very proud of it. She caught it all be herself on a live mullet. Wes caught another 26 incher earlier in the evening on cut mullet again. It's still a mystery how so many reds can be in such a small area as the mitigation site. In talking to Greg this evening, we considered the idea that maybe the reds are coming through the culvert from the HEB pond. In years past we could see reds in that area and some fished there. Later HEB put up the fence and "keep out" signs. Recently, I have not seen any tailing reds on the HEB side so maybe they have moved to our side of the road. The culvert was not open until last fall when Jack Gibbs used his mini excavator to dredge it out and allow the water to flow.
Welcome to another new owner, Travis Sword. He is Tony's son. We all know Tony for all the good work he did in the remodels with Rob.
Welcome to another new owner, Travis Sword. He is Tony's son. We all know Tony for all the good work he did in the remodels with Rob.
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