Saturday, May 18, 2013

 Jack Gibbs and his crew showed up early Thursday morning to begin work on building the bulkhead on our northeast corner. JR loaned us his backhoe to do the heavy work.

 Here Jack clears the dirt from around our main water supply line. It comes all the way down the road under the utility easement and then turns to run all along the front of the bayside condos. In this case when the dirt was removed, the original glue came loose and let the elbow leak water. I showed Jack where to turn off the main water line and after the water drained for three hours, he glued it back and we were good to go.
 The bucket of the backhoe was used to push the shoreguard into the ground with a little help from a water jet.

All the rebar is in place and the concrete will be poured on Monday morning.

Welcome to new owners Carol and John Rice.  They closed on condo 402 this week. Owners are having success in protesting their property appraisals by phone. The deadline to do so is the end of the month.


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