Thursday, September 19, 2013

 I think Jerry, maintenance, got hooked on fishing today. Last night about midnight I threw my castnet into the boat ramp. I caught 11 finger mullet and 1 perch on the first and only throw. This morning I went out to try them. Several people were already fishing in the mitigation site with great success. Right away I caught a red too. I came back into the house to fillet that red and Jerry watched the two poles I had set out. Soon he was at my door to show me this oversized red. I didn't want that big thing so he gave it to someone else. A few minutes later he called that he had another one. I think in all he caught about 7 and lost several more. I kept two. With everyone else fishing out there I didn't get an exact count, but I know at least 20 keepers were caught. This evening I threw the castnet again, but the boat ramp was totally full of jellyfish. I did nab the fish below. I'm not sure if it is a triple tail or an angel fish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like an Atlantic spade fish

Friday, September 20, 2013 at 2:33:00 PM CDT  

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