Tuesday, September 10, 2013

 This was a new first for me. I caught this Sheepshead on the lure that can be seen in its mouth. I don't know that I have ever seen one caught on anything but live shrimp. This one was under the light where the bulkhead meets the breakwater. It was 14 inches, but it didn't matter, I wouldn't try to fillet one of these things anyway. Those spines are downright dangerous.
Boat owners who are used to taking their boats to the The Boat Shop and having Ben repair them, will have to look elsewhere. Ben has officially closed his boat shop and is dealing only in firearms now. I guess it was a matter of economics. Also, Ben is only two months younger than I am and dealing firearms is likely a lot easier on him.
Jerry and JR were out early Saturday morning measuring the pier for the permit renewal. We are looking at adding five new turnouts for fishing and three new lights.  Allowing the new development folks to use the pier will mean more use and the extra accommodations should help.


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