Saturday, September 20, 2014

 Just over a year ago, Don(winter guest), gave me this clock with a background picture of our Live Oak Peninsula. The only problem was that the clock didn't work. I waited all this time to find a clock at Castaway's that I could take a clock motor out of. It had to cost only one dollar! Finally, I found one and replaced the old motor with one that works. I have placed the clock in the manager's office. Stop by and take a look. Pretty neat.
The high tides we experience at the vernal equinox have arrived. This time they have washed out a section behind the newer bulkhead adjacent to the HEB property. The washout has grown since I took this picture. This is not all bad. The water will recede in about two weeks and leave us a clean hole we can fill with stabilized sand and all will be well and next year it won't happen again, I hope.

Red fish have been coming back into the mitigation site. The crossbridge is full of folks this evening. I caught a keeper a few days ago, but it was pretty late at night. I laid it on the cutting board on the pier rail while I decided whether to keep it or not. The fish gave a big flip and over the side it went. The decision was made for me. The only problem was it broke the snap swivel on the fall and took my $1 stainless steel hook with it. This red will have a sore throat for a while.


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