Time Warner came by yesterday to check on the new cabling that was installed two weeks ago. Our signal is still not all that great. At least, mine is not. They do vary from condo to condo.
D&C Fencing came by yesterday and assessed the installation job that had been done. They worked until dark thirty today to basically uninstall the gates and then put them in correctly. They did a lot of cutting and welding. It's hard to understand how a company can retain employees who do such shoddy work. I tried to think of another word for shoddy, but none come to mind that fit. "fit" "gates" you get the idea. They should wrap it up tomorrow, but we will have to see the finished product. I had asked one of the employees about a price for a battery back up in case of a power failure. I said I wanted a price. That was about a month ago. Yesterday, the same employee said he remembered nothing about that. Yet I continue to talk to folks who tell me that D&C is a good company and highly respected. We'll see how things go tomorrow.
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