Sunday, December 07, 2014

Work is continuing on lining our entrance road with palm trees as voted on last month. We now have 11 new trees planted out of the 25 planned. I found a guy named Bill Porter who had planted about 150 trees from seed about 10 years ago. He is now at the point he wants to sell them. Just to see what we were getting into, we tried one tree first. Jerry dug the hole. John Rice(402) hauled it here for us and Jerry planted it. From there we worked it out that Bill would charge us $80 per tree and we would have our choice of trees. He would dig them up for us. We then contracted with the son of a former maintenance man who worked here to haul them here and plant them for $20 per tree. Bill digs them as fast as she can, but it's not easy. He is trying to dig two trees per day.
Greg Jr. said his dad moved to Idaho after leaving here about eight years ago. John Knostman had hired Greg Sr. when John was managing our property for us.
The trees look pretty healthy and notice too that Greg has filled in the grass around the tree to look as if the tree has been growing here a while. We also added Miracle Grow to the trees to give them a better chance to get a good start. They are the Washingtonian species like most of the ones we already have.
Notice also the utility pole in the background. It appears to be broken about 15 feet up the pole. I think we need to call AEP before this pole decides to fall over on our entrance road. The utility wires are pulling it in that direction.


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