Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Jerry took on the task last week of extending the bulkhead along the HEB property line. We are not sure just what mother nature has planned for us here. Last year it washed out about 20 feet or shoreline. Rather than go all out at a high cost, Jerry built a wooden bulkhead from old 2 by 8s. This will buy us time until we can determine just what the water will do. If it continues to wash out, we will have to pull out this wooden bulkhead and spend the bucks to put in shoreguard and concrete.
This week Jerry is working under the buildings to evaluate rotted pilings. The news isn't good. We replaced about 130 four years ago, or at least we paid for 130. I don't know that they were ever counted when they were supposed to be completed. He has done half of the 500 building and has found over 20. We may be looking at about $1,000 a piece to replace them with concrete. Olshan Foundation is coming out next Thursday to give us a price. By then Jerry hopes to have a total count.


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