Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Lina's  weekly notes.

- Trimmed bird of paradise of all dead leaves in front of 103, near 308, 501

- Requested for Tel Haley to cut lawn

- Shoveled sand away from skirting

- Trimmed palm fronds on the back of 600 and 500 building

- Painted the side of buildings

- Sprayed weed kill on the back of 700 and front of 100

- Weed eated the curb line of weeds - could not do in some areas in front of 100 and 200 because of cars

- Had the cart picked up by the Cart Store for repair.  Its $85 roundtrip for pick up and brought back and $85 and hour to work on clutch. Don't have the tools needed to fix in house.

- Had 2 patio doors broken from rocks being thrown at it on 702 and 708 and discovered on Friday (the day I left).  Jerry tried to view the camera but the camera is just out of view. 

- Breakwater project was put on hold for a few days because gamewarden said Randy's crew did not have tags on their boat.  Mr. Ethridge said the stopping point is good and just needs to clean up the rest.

- Fixed panel door where electrical meters are located on the 200 building

- Installed 2 new post lanterns on the back of 400 building.  Took the one from 400 building and replaced behind 601 but still does not work.  Will have to check the wiring.

- Sprayed out sewage line with water hose

- Called and scheduled pest control to treat swarms of termites under 203 and 303.  They said they usually swarm in a die or pass on but will treat them on Friday 02/24.

This weeks agenda
- Forward compliance items to OSHA
- Replace some of the skirting that is falling off behind 100 building
- Follow up with Cart Store on the repairing the cart - they said they were backed up but should be able to start on it on Thursday
- Continue monitoring the breakwater project
- Monitor the pouring of the concrete for under the 200 building
- Follow up with Allen regarding a schedule to start on the pool repair
- Spray more weed kill on the front of 700, 200, and 300
- Paint the sides of 200 building and 501 side of orange discoloration
- Paint the skirting in between 500 and 600 building where orange discoloration is.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Lina's notes for this week.

- Painted the side of 608 to match building by bay window - just need to finish the higher areas that require 2 people to monitor the ladder.

- Continue monitoring the breakwater project done by Randy Edwards crew. ..

- Picked up more supplies needed for the second finger pier to be disassembled and reassembled.  Randy's crew did the first finger pier but we have requested for it to be raised and leveled with the first finger pier we had done in house before starting on the second pier.  We are currently deciding whether Jerry can do the remaining 2 in house.

- Monitored the sewer camera job by Steve of Peninsula Plumbing.  There were no broken pipes found or roots in any of the sewer pipes. There is alot of grease buildup in the pipes.  There are a few pipes that have a belly that water stays in place - from 100 to 700 (104 to 708) under driveway, from behind 701 to lift station under driveway, from from 200 to 100, from office to lift station.  His suggestion is to get the pipes jetted and to run a larger sewer snake.  We can do this in house with our new auger that we just purchased and with its attachments.

- Received new exterior closet door for 605 from Probuild. We also received another closet door ordered by Kontiki Beach Management office for 605.  They had ordered this door in December but was back ordered and charged the owner for it.  I did explain to them that the door they had ordered was for interior but they said this is what they always ordered and had already installed on several units within the past year.  We will keep the exterior door as extra and look at other units that may need replacing.

- Assembled pool ladder purchased and ready to take to welder this week for brackets at the bottom of the ladder.

- Pressured washed the back deck of 706 at the request of owner.

- Received the remaining long boards for finger piers and moved to back of office.

- Checked for loose boards and nails sticking up on finger piers, crossbridge, and big pier.

- Fixed entrance gate chain that broke - sprayed corrosion X on both exit and entry gate chains.  Rusty from Hub City Overhead Doors said that is the best lube we can use but suggests we change out the chains to nickle plated. Nickle plated is $110 and stainless steel is $335. Jerry suggested to replace the chains as they are in very bad shape and that they will only last another 3 weeks. It takes a week for an order to come in for chains.

- Trimmed some of the dead leaves that had fallen over on the bird of paradises.  Bloomers nursery suggested not to completely cut it off until fallen over for hydration.

- Trimmed the bushes in front of the 600 building of dead leaves

- Spoke with Allen regarding the pool project and insurance compliance and he said he will have a set starting date after Feb 17.

- Painted the back of office - but the wall was too wet.

This weeks agenda
- Take ladder to welder for bracket design
- Trim bushes of dead leaves on the 100, 200, 300, 400 building 
- Trim curb lines of weeds
- Weed eat the weeds that are really bad behind the 700 building
- Pressure wash the 300 building porch areas
- Paint the sides of 200 building to cover the orange discoloration
- Finish painting the back part of the office
- Respond to OSHA complaint sent by email yesterday.

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Lina's weekly notes.

- Fixed the floor that is deteriorating in the exterior closet of 605 for closing

- Order the exterior closet door through Probuild for 605 and bill owner accordingly

- Caulked above bay windows and windows that needed caulking on the 200 building and painted the trim

- Stucco patched visible cracks on the 100 building

- Check and set irrigation timers on the courtyard and make sure all sprinklers are working.  Also making a spreadsheet layout of the irrigation sections for each control

- Picked up the pool ladder from Leslie's Pool Supply. Asked if they had a bracket that can be purchased separately for the bottom part of the ladder to bolt into the sidewall.  Going to talk with Welder - Jack about a bracket being welded on the bottom area

- Installed a new flood light under the gazebo near the 300 building as the other one corroded

- Monitor the breakwater project of Randy Edwards crew

- Forwarded B&R Electric invoices to Nick for work done on the property.  They had charged us for the following:
  Office Bathroom - 
  Electrical on the crossbridge for fixing all the lights (junction boxes under the deck areas got water in it from high tides - $293.24 (Phase II shared cost $117.30)
  B&R Electric will provide us a bid to reroute the junction boxes to under the railing areas
- Monitor the 1 finger pier disassemble, lift, and reassemble project by Randy Edwards crew

- Trim palm fronds on the back of 400 building 

- Discuss the revised quote with 3G Contracting for the 200 Building stucco project

- Trim the bushes in the porch areas of 400 buildings and areas by the boat parking and dumpsters

- Weed eat and pull weeds from the 100 building porch areas and curbs

This weeks agenda
- Go over with Area Foundation on the progress of 500 building being completed with brackets and bolts so that we can start straightening the skirting
- Pick up the 5 gallon paint from Sherwin Williams that matched the buildings
- Start painting the orange areas on side of buildings - 210, 201, 701, 501, 108
- Order post lantern lights for back of 400 building
- Trim palm fronds along driveway
- Spray 30 second mildew solution, scrape, and paint gazebo posts white
- Monitor the 2nd finger pier disassemble and reassemble by Randy Edwards crew
- Discuss with Area Foundation for the bulkhead design
- Install 3 smoke detectors in 202 per owners request and bill owners accordingly

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Finally saw some white pelicans today. They usually gather behind Paws and Taws, but this year they have been scarce. I think the lack of fish in the area has something to do with their absence. Their reappearance may be a harbinger of better fishing.

Condo 608 closed today. I knew it wouldn't last long at that price. I think sometimes realtors underprice a property to get a quick sale. The new owners in this case are from Montana.

I went by the accounting office today to sign our income tax statement. We owed $8.

All the work on the foundation under my condo has apparently lead to collateral damage. My granite counter top is now in two, nearly the same size, pieces. Two floor tiles are also cracked and they are not even through with all the work.

It looks as if all the work on replacing the stucco on the back of the 200 building is going to cost two to three times the original estimate of $10,000.

Sunday, February 05, 2017

 The old breakwater is slowly coming apart.I hope we can salvage some of it after paying over $300,000 to put it up.

 With so little food around this time of year, the seagulls become very friendly and will eat out of your hand. Just be careful. Their beaks are sharp and they move quickly. Why do so few have the completely black head?

 The tide is finally out to where it should be this time of year.  Last year this piled up sand was behind the bulkhead at 308. This year it has moved further out.
Construction continues on this condo. I'm not sure what it will look like when the owner finishes.

The Vietnam Memorial Wall was in town this weekend. Friday and Saturday were not good weather days and it closed today at 2. There was a really nice crowd and very helpful workers to help you find names. 58000 is lot of names, but when you see them all displayed, you realize how many really died. They are still adding names as DNA evidence identifies MIAs.