Here are a few updates on happenings on campus and people in the news.
The winds remain fierce except for early this morning. I spent three hours on the pier Friday afternoon and picked up ten nice Gafftop without losing a bait except for the one when I lost hook, line, and sinker. I thought I could do it again Saturday, but no luck. I did catch a new first, my first four legged critter, a turtle of about ten pounds.
This morning Rob and crew began replacing the railing at the end of the new pier extension. The old railing wasn't a year old, but we did take low bid and it was built to minimum specifications. It is really sturdy now.
Kristi and David Williams (603) are in Mexico looking at houses and schools. He will likely accept a job transfer there this summer. As luck would have it their AC unit when on the fritz on Friday.
Gus and Rosemary Hammoudeh (203) are leaving on the 14th for nine weeks in Jordan. Their twin boys just turned three on the 2nd.
Pack and Ann Killingsworth (307) are going to be busy the next six weeks. Their son will be married and they will take an extended vacation to tour the great northwest and Alaska.
Barbara Wagner has sold her unit and purchased one in Heron's Roost. We will miss her.
Otis and Lisa Stech (604) traveled to Lubbock this Sunday. Their son, David, has been recovering from a stroke he suffered last fall and last week their 25 year old son suffered a mild stoke in Lubbock. We wish them both a speedy recovery.
Jim and Deborah Canuteson (210) are traveling and vacationing in Western Europe. They will return May 14th.
Jim Sikes (602) will be leaving for his Cloudcroft home very soon. He wanted to stay in Rockport for the Nautical Flea Market this last weekend.