Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The recent rains have wreaked havoc on our entrance road pavement. There are some serious potholes.

The statement of revenues and expenditures for December and for 2006 has been compiled. It’s difficult to tell what kind of year we experienced. We started the year with association equity of $27,602 and finished with a minus $6,560. No doubt many repairs were done. Total expenditures over budget for 2006 were $61,289. The repair and maintenance of buildings was $80,438 over budget. Probably because of the weather, building repairs have slowed to next to nothing for January. There is still a lot to be done and the summer rental season is not that far away.

A new bank in town, First Victoria, is having a grand opening tomorrow.

A clean up of Conn Brown Harbor is supposed to begin soon. They have determined that some of the sunken boats were brought there by the Coast Guard. They had been seized and brought to Conn Brown and allowed to fall apart and sink.

Monday, January 29, 2007

When I last said the weather was going downhill, I didn't know how far downhill it was going. It is still cold and drizzle here. The work that Kinsel was doing has not progressed. The trenches that were dug are full of water and sand.
The new pool furniture has arrived. It is still stacked by the pool and not unpacked.
I talked to Ryan Martinez last week. You will remember that he used to work maintenance here. He and his wife, Nicole, are expecting a baby boy soon. Little Madison is two and one half now. They are all doing well and are planning a family get together here later next month.
The rental rates are going up as of February 1. The winter Texans will be paying about $200 more per month next year. This will barely offset the increase in taxes we have experienced.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rockport is enjoying one more day of balmy weather and then the bottom is supposed to drop out.
Yesterday Kinsel and Company had five workers show up to work on the bulkhead. They were in a hurry to try to beat the rain. The first about 15 trenches were deep and well done. Then I felt they started cutting corners. The deadmen were no more than 8 inches below the surface and less concrete was being used. I question the efficacy of the work they are doing. I was told by LeeAnn in the rental office that Chris was not around so I found Justin. He said that he would go over and take a look. Once they bury their work who can say what the quality is until failure occurs. This is not too dissimilar from Moose saying he dredged the proper depth in our channel. My boat regularly hits the bottom of the channel this time of year.
I planted 36 Pansy plants in front of my place. The Cutter Ants are enjoying them more than I am. I soaked them with insecticide yesterday, but I doubt that will last.
Scott Schomburg is down this weekend. He said he has submitted a list of items that he sees as needing attention. As far as I know there are still no board meetings scheduled.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The tile work has been completed on our place as well as 603. It looks great and the crew were friendly and hard working guys.
The fish have been a little harder to find. Four of us went out Tuesday and caught only about 15 undersized trout.
The beach is really torn up with the work on the bulkhead. One man has spent the last two days ditching for the tie backs. The trenches are fifteen feet long, two feet deep and three feet across at the deadman end. They are using only one quarter inch rebar in the concrete deadman. I guess it will work satisfactorily. It just looks small.
Work has been completed on 202 and 606. Robbie is now working on 607. Rob is going to be commuting to Victoria for about six weeks to work on a four plex there.

Friday, January 05, 2007

The weather forecast was correct. We had over two inches Wednesday night and Thursday morning. The trenches for the bulkhead tie-backs filled with sand and water. Today they came back and started over. This crew was primarily digging holes next to the bulkhead so they could drill holes through the wall for the rods.

Jerry, Otis and I went out when the rain quit yesterday. We found some trout near marker 16 but only one keeper. Today Jerry and I went out and found the trout right at sunset. I got two nice keepers using Gulp near the Goose Island protection wall. We took the trout to Crab N and they did nice things to those trout. Otis and his wife went back to Hog Island, but didn’t do any good. The water temperature was 58 degrees.

When Jerry and I got back, Chris told Jerry that today was Jerry’s last day. They are going to do the landscaping in house beginning next week. Jerry had raised his rate $500 a month and Chris said that was too much.

Pat Hartman gave us a bid for $500 for labor to tile our kitchen and entryway. He is going to start Tuesday.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Work began this morning on the bulkhead tie-back project. Kinsel and Company is in the process of digging up the beach to lay in the rods to secure the bulkhead. There is however, a 100% chance of heavy rain in the forecast beginning this afternoon. That could be interesting.
The Charter cable crew was here yesterday to work on the HBO problems. I was told that the converter traps, that are somewhat expensive, had been stolen from our pedestal boxes and had to be replaced. I would think they would lock the boxes like they do in San Antonio.
Last week an entire CPL meter was stolen from 705. Paul said he is only here for an hour and didn't see anything. Paul said he was here until midnight on New Year's Eve, although I didn't see him. There was a bonfire built behind the 300 building and they roasted marshmellows. I guess we have no rules about beach fires, but common sense would question the activity. They left their burned out mess when they checked out.
Scott and I helped Betty Brackle(103) do some repairs in her place yesterday. She has some door problems. The buildings are shifting and doors become misaligned. I worked on my upstairs bedroom doors last week. I had to use a rotary rasp to grind down the top of the doors.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

We had a great New Year's weekend. The weather was fantastic and the parking lot crowded. Many owners were here. I had a chance to again visit with two of our newest owners, Kevin and Cyrena Durkee of San Antonio. They have purchased 501. His parents were here from Maine and yes, they brought lobsters.
The fishing has been spotty. A guest, Rob Beckett, said they caught 17 keeper trout over in Port Bay. Otis Stecht said he loaded up on reds on Sunday just west of Hog Island. I was there on Friday and didn't do any good.
Repair projects have been on hold during the holidays. I guess they will resume soon.
The Oyster boats have started working Aransas Bay. I guess the Red Tide is finally gone.
A bar b que place has opened up in the mobile home park at the corner of Hwy. 35 and Fulton Beach Road. I haven't tried it yet.
The winter Texans continue to straggle in. I suppose we will fill up soon.