Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The wind continues to howl. A crawler on the TV just said Aransas County in under a wind advisory alert, whatever that means. The waves are crashing over the bulkhead and flooding the beach.

I did go on the pier last evening and not a fish was to be had. I don’t know what has happened to the fishery. I talked to Lyle Reynolds(304) this afternoon and he said he has had the same pier results as I have. He said maybe the breakwater has something to do with the lack of fish. I don’t see how this can be, but I have no better explanation.

Marv and a guest went with a guide last Friday and got their limit of trout in no time. He said they went to Estes Flats and Red Fish Bay. Jerry told me he had heard that South Bay was holding a lot of fish. The forecast is better for Thursday. I may get to go out then and see what happens.

Alan has replaced many light bulbs around the complex, even the piers. It looks much better. New lamps were installed on the crossbridge. The primary security light west of the 700 building is still not working.

Skirting work continues on the 600 building. Upper decks on the 700 building have been replaced. A new roof is being installed on the motel.

I haven’t heard a confirmation yet, but I believe a board meeting has been called for the first Saturday in May.


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