Monday, November 26, 2007

The Diner is now "For Sale". The notice says the owner is moving out of state. I also see survey stakes at the old Walmart along the highway all the way to the new Walmart. I guess some new development is going in there.
Fishing has been steady off the back decks and piers. Both good size trout and reds are being caught, as you saw in my last post. The oysters boats are moving in close. The picture at the bottom here shows boats working just past the pier. The Thanksgiving weather in Rockport was not much different than the rest of the state, cold and wet. Of course, today starts the new week with chamber of commerce weather. I did plant two dozen Pansy plants in the bed in front of our place and they thought the weekend weather was just perfect.
I talked to Bill yesterday. He and Donna will be here in a couple of weeks.


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