Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pat(602) sent these to show at least someone found some fish. Pretty nice catch. The top one was over 30" and was released. The red on the bottom was 28".
Marv, myself, and another friend went out in Copano today. There were bait fish everywhere, but not much chasing them. We only caught one small trout, one small red, and one gafftop.
Kinsel began work on the breakwater this morning. They picked up the two washed up whalers and will reuse them. From what I can see on the barge, they are taking up some 20' shoreguard and replacing it with 16' lengths. That really should not be a problem. It wasn't the shoreguard that failed. The barge was being brought in for the lunch break when the steering gears came apart. They used alternating thrust from the two engines to maneuver back into the harbor. They will get a new gearbox Seaworthy and get back to work tomorrow.


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