Friday, October 10, 2008

The south entrance lane concrete was put down Thursday. It will be really nice when finished.
Fishing is still very poor. Pat(602), who really knows what he is doing, is also having trouble finding the trout. He started at Mud Island Wednesday and worked his way to Long Reef without a keeper. Thursday, he did find two barely legal trout. Others here have had about the same success. A few reds came out of St. Charles bay and today I saw a Jack Crevalle and one red come in from Lydia Ann Channel. Marv and his son in law are going with a guide tomorrow. I had planned to try perch off the deck this morning, but during the night someone lifted my bait bucket and perch. I can't wait for the new security cameras, lol.
I visited with Keith(606) on Wednesday. He said that his son, Kent(previous owner of 206), was in a car accident on Monday. A 16 year old girl on her way to school hit Kent head on. She died and he had some broken bones, but is doing well at this time. I was very sorry to hear about the young lady. Kent is fortunate to be doing as well as he is. I hope he continues to improve.
I heard from Lynn Edwards on Wednesday. She heads the Save Our Cedar Bayou organization. She said things are going well. The environmental assessment is completed. She is waiting to hear from the General Land Office and expects that will happen soon and that they will approve. Then the application to dredge will go to the Corps of Engineers for approval. If things go well all the way, work could begin next spring.


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