Friday, December 19, 2008

I have visited with Justin the last two days concerning the dredging, breakwater design, and pier building. He tells me that Rob will start on the crosspier very soon and more than likely the pier perpendicular to the crossbridge will be removed. This will not require any permitting. After that Rob will rebuild the Phase II pier as it exists. At a later time when permits are obtained, additional T sections will be added. The dredging company has raised their price to $135,000. Justin has met with a representative of Derrick Construction about getting a bid from them. This would bring Moose Johnson back into the mix, but this is still a work in progress. Nothing will begin on the dredging until after the first of February. The redesign of the breakwater to prevent filling back in again is not an easy issue. I'm not sure Belaire Environmental has a lot of experience with this. They have suggested an additional section attached to the north wall that would extend a considerable distance at about 60 degrees south of the existing wall. This, to me, defies common sense, but I'm sure they have looked into it. The cost for this would far exceed the $25,000 that was approved. I don't believe that shoreguard will ever work in water that is this deep. The section that Kinsel repaired last month continues to fall apart, almost on a daily basis and the wind has not even been that strong. It would be my opinion that the shoreguard will never work and was not designed for water over five feet deep. I would remove the last section of the breakwater and reuse what I could to create an L to prevent backfill. I suggested to Justin that he contact an engineering firm that has experience in this type of design. Urban Engineering did the work on our lift station and they might be a possibility. We may pay a little now to save a lot later. Justin wants to do the redesign construction in conjunction with dredging so we need to work pretty quickly to get the permit after the design is decided upon. For January, the usual monthy maintence fees will have attached the fifth installment of the major improvements as well as the dredging and breakwater redesign construction cost. This will approach $3,000 for each unit.


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