Sunday, January 24, 2010

I received this note from Scott this evening. I am still in San Antonio trying to take care of the water damage from the frozen water line in the attic.

JR is jumping on the list that I passed to him several weeks ago. Saturday morning I saw several trucks (one with a trailer and one with an air compressor) enter the property. They stopped back between 400 and 500 buildings. They jackhammered a portion of the sidewalk out that had dropped and has been a trip hazard. They are going to hammer out 4 areas of sidewalk on the south end of the property that need to be repoured.

He asked my opinion on how to stop the erosion just off the back deck of 308 alongside the concrete bulkhead near the start of the Phase I pier. I am not sure about how to do that. If I could solve that I would open a hydraulic engineering firm in Rockport and work 2 days a week and fish the rest. He suggested either stabilized sand or large boulders. Anyone that knows the answer please speak up.

The fish cleaning table at the back of 501 is officially "electrified". My two daughters and three of their friends were cleaning sea shells on the table when they said the shells were tingling. I could not feel the tingle. I thought they were being silly but to be safe we cleared the shells off and finished that project on our back porch. I mentioned it to JR and he said he will have an electrician fix it Monday. Later that morning I used the fish cleaning table to cut up some mullet. After the water ran a while there was so much electricity coming through the wet cut mullet pieces that I could not touch them. Using my wood handle fillet knife I had to sweep the pieces into a bucket to get them off of the table just so I could pick them up to bag them. Like I said, it is officially"electrified". There is a bench leaning against it and tape across it so no one else gets hurt trying to use it.

I continue to be impressed and pleased with JR's assertiveness on getting things done. He is good for the property and the property owners.


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