Tony's Lawn Service came by today and removed much of the freeze damaged vegetation. There are many plants that will have to be replaced.
I tried the pier last evening. There were trout, but they were very small. It was nice to see some fish under the lights again. For the most part, no one is catching much of anything. Live bait is nowhere to be found. Most bait stands are closed. Don(guest in 210) did manage two keeper reds last Saturday near Estes Flats. He and a couple other winter Texans tried Sailboat Pass on Monday and caught a few sheepshead.
More rain is expected tomorrow and water is still standing all over the area. It is interesting to drive along highway 239 from Goliad to Tivoli and see the utility polls all leaning askew. The water is still standing along the road between the fence lines and the roadway and the saturation depth is so great the polls are leaning every which way at precarious angles. Only the electrical lines are preventing further displacement.
Pop is a happy camper these days. J.R. got him a heater for the security office about three weeks ago and he can't say enough about how nice it is to stay warm. He used to spend most of the evening in his truck with the motor running to keep the heater warm. He even has most of the cameras working again.
The picture below shows work being done between 402 and 403. New flashing is being installed, the windows were replaced, and the stucco will be replaced. I guess there was a water leak from all the recent rains.
I tried the pier last evening. There were trout, but they were very small. It was nice to see some fish under the lights again. For the most part, no one is catching much of anything. Live bait is nowhere to be found. Most bait stands are closed. Don(guest in 210) did manage two keeper reds last Saturday near Estes Flats. He and a couple other winter Texans tried Sailboat Pass on Monday and caught a few sheepshead.
More rain is expected tomorrow and water is still standing all over the area. It is interesting to drive along highway 239 from Goliad to Tivoli and see the utility polls all leaning askew. The water is still standing along the road between the fence lines and the roadway and the saturation depth is so great the polls are leaning every which way at precarious angles. Only the electrical lines are preventing further displacement.
Pop is a happy camper these days. J.R. got him a heater for the security office about three weeks ago and he can't say enough about how nice it is to stay warm. He used to spend most of the evening in his truck with the motor running to keep the heater warm. He even has most of the cameras working again.
The picture below shows work being done between 402 and 403. New flashing is being installed, the windows were replaced, and the stucco will be replaced. I guess there was a water leak from all the recent rains.
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