My last blog about the fish last week, and I have not tried again since Friday, elicited more response and conversation that any post in a while. Bradley Phair, former HOA board secretary in 1993, called to say his guess was a big Jack Crevalle. Jay(704) wrote to say he had seen a large gar in the marina recently. Whatever it is, it is still out there.
Below is what captain Scott Hamilton has to say about the jack crevalle.
Pound for pound, the jack crevalle will put most other fish in his neighborhood to shame.I think the crevalles, however, must have been the chronically mean fish in the family. Like a junkyard dog. Cornering baitfish and then relentlessly hammering them produces a sight that resembles almost nothing else with the exception of bluefish or tuna. They slice through the water not so much like a fish as a battering ram. A pit bull with fins is what I like to think of them as.
Thanks Larry, for the beautiful sunrise photos. Sure do miss being there. See you in November.
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