Monday, January 03, 2011

Scott and Ray worked on Sunday to trim the palm trees behind the 500 and 600 building. The trash pickup comes on Monday so they nearly filled all the dumpsters. We have had a most active board this year in a lot of ways. I think it's partly because they may be the youngest board Kontiki has ever had. Four board members have school age children. Of course, it could be because three of them are Aggies and even this Longhorn will admit that Aggies are highly motivated and ambitious.
Fishing off the pier was good again last evening. I caught my quota of two keepers in about 10 minutes. I don't like to bring in more than two because I don't like to freeze them. This evening was different story. I fished for twice that long and caught one 8 inch trout.
The mitigation site is beginning to be covered by the annual algae growth. It must be the temperature. Every year from January until late in March the pond becomes virtually covered with slimy algae and is not fishable. It has now covered all the shoreline areas and is moving toward the middle.
Roxanna at Coastal Management continues to do a great job for those owners who have switched over to her company. Jim and Jeannine(401) switched a few weeks ago and their calendar is filling up. It can be seen by cutting and pasting this address into your browser.


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