An insurance adjuster, Alvin Welch, came by last week to determine the extent of our hail damage. He spent a full eight hours here and marked every shingle that showed any hail damage as well as every other thing that he could find. He has not yet finished his assessment, but he tells me he feels we are significantly over our deductible for most all of the buildings. We should know more later this week.
Our roofer, Mike McAdams, was a no show again on Thursday and Friday as he had promised. He still has some repairs to do. If we don't put on a new roof, we may need to do the needed repairs ourselves.
Royce Roy of Bedingfield Pest Control did show up on Friday to treat the termites in 501.
I have found a website that will give us tv listings for the Cobridge service that we have in Rockport. It even gives a little detail about each program. That link is
An interesting thing happened to me last week. I came out of Walmart and put my groceries in my car and pushed my cart to the outside cart storage area. When I reached the storage area, one of the carts already there had a bag of groceries and a handbag in it. No one was around so I pushed that cart back to the store and gave it to the greeter. She said that happens all the time and took the things to the customer service counter. I don't know if anyone ever claimed it. I would think they did.
What if we approached HEB with the idea that they might be interested in participating with us on a gate?
Seems it would be beneficial to both parties.
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