Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm still having fun with this smartmetertexas stuff. This is my usage for the last month. Can you tell which days I was not here? At about 10 cents per KWH I can easily see my cost per day. I would think absentee owners could use this to see when their condo is being used.

Date Usage(kWh)
05/11/2011 42.468
05/12/2011 26.889
05/13/2011 17.421
05/14/2011 16.095
05/15/2011 3.018
05/16/2011 10.297
05/17/2011 29.206
05/18/2011 38.613
05/19/2011 56.022
05/20/2011 51.424
05/21/2011 56.166
05/22/2011 44.71
05/23/2011 43.021
05/24/2011 48.837
05/25/2011 45.317
05/26/2011 34.329
05/27/2011 56.774
05/28/2011 49.195
05/29/2011 36.457
05/31/2011 4.038
06/01/2011 3.749
06/02/2011 3.748
06/03/2011 32.211
06/04/2011 53.321
06/05/2011 41.919
06/06/2011 43.852
06/07/2011 54.377
06/08/2011 61.413


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