Monday, December 12, 2011

Today will have to go down as the best fishing day of the year for me. Large trout have found their way into the marina in good numbers. I caught 5 total and none had to be measured.
All the trout hit the usual imitation DOA. All five were females. One looked to be full of eggs, but when I opened it up, she had ingested a mullet that was larger than a hot dog and just slightly smaller than the bun. Can you tell which of these two I'm talking about?
Dan Post came by this morning to insulate more condos. Oddly enough 107 already had insulation on the knee wall. I had thought all the bayside condos would have been the same. When he got to 209, he found there was no attic access. This was the case in 306 and Janet and Doug had to have one cut in when they did their insulation a few weeks ago.
Tel came by last Thursday to do the lawncare, but his riding mower was not working. He had the guys push two mowers to cut the whole campus. It took them all day, but it looks great.
Our new lift station pump is due to arrive tomorrow. It weighs over 300 pounds. I'm not sure where we will store it until I can get PEECO here to install it. It will be nice to be running on two pumps again.


Anonymous michael aldrich said...

Looks good Larry. Im tempted to make a winter trip. Deer huntins been slow. Hit a mess of catfish a couple weeks ago. Will e-mail u a pic.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at 7:34:00 PM CST  

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