As usually happens at the vernal equinox we are having a high tide along with high winds. The new wall beside 101 has worked and our spillway by 308 passed its first test. However, it can be seen that we lost a lot of sand because the bulkhead itself is in need of repair and the water and sand flushed out in the openings. Right now this whole area is flooded and the waves are casting water up onto the decks. You have to be here to see and feel the fury of the waves pounding the bulkhead to appreciate the fact that the bulkhead is there at all. The whole beach is one big pond. I'm not sure how much beach will be left by morning.
This area in the corner by HEB has washed out more just today. Soon we will have to build a retaining wall to save our entrance road. The maintenance costs just seem to be greater every year. We had no condos on the market last week. This week we have two bayside units for sale. I think sometimes realtors over state the net earning potential when selling a condo. The buyers soon find that the age and location of our property drive up operational costs that severly impact their bottom line.
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