Friday, October 26, 2012

I've kinda gotten behind on the posts, but as they say, "so many fish and so little time."
Wednesday Marv and I took my boat out and drifted the HEB shoreline, Goose Island shoreline and Scotch Tom reef with nary a nibble. We did see some pelicans working in our path coming off of Scotch Tom. When we drifted into them, they were over some extra large gafftops. We caught a few, but did not keep any even though they were big.  Yesterday, Ed, a high school friend of mine staying in 603, and Marv went out with me.  Ed had been spoiled with a 26, 28 and 29.5 inch reds from the mitigation site this week and expected we would kill them in the boat. Not true. Marv picked up a 16.5 inch trout at Paul's Mott on a DOA and Ed got a 15.1 inch trout at the base of marker 25 on live shrimp. At Tommy Martin's, former owner of 501 and now deceased, spot I had a big hit on my DOA. It turned out to be about the largest gafftop I have ever seen.  Since I didn't have anything in the box, I went ahead and kept it. The fillets are big enough for two meals. Of course, one meal of gafftop is not all that much.
Tuesday evening at 6 pm we had an hour and a half video conference call with the engineers in Austin, Sea Shell Shores, and Phase II representatives concerning the dredging of our channel. They had some pretty good news for us. The engineer said he feels we have reached equilibrium with the sedimentation in our channel. It doesn't seem to be getting any worse and I had no problem getting my boat out on Wednesday and Thursday. We talked about not dredging so deep this time. We are permitted for 6.5 feet deep, but that gradient just makes it fill back in faster. It appears that maybe only 2.5 feet deep might last just about as long.  The patches we did inhouse where the concrete joins the shoreguard seem to have helped too. We have a maintenance permit to dredge anytime.  The only problem is what to do with what we take out. One of the owners of a house at  Sea Shell Shores had a survey of the area behind his house and it showed no significant seagrass. It this is true, we can just dump it over the south wall of the breakwater and save a lot of cash.  I think we were all pretty glad to hear the report.


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