Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jet skis have a pocket where a rider's feet are placed. The problem is when they are stored and rained on, the pocket fills with water. Mosquitoes love this hiding place. Here Jerry empties the pockets of the jet skis belonging to the Carters(202). They held a lot of water.

A lot of concrete work was done yesterday.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

 Rebar was being added here to the bulkhead repair. The concrete should be poured next week.
 While concrete work is being done, the sidewalk between 308 and the cabana will be repaired. This sidewalk step has been broken for a very long time.
 An inspector was here on Wednesday to check out condo 106 before the sale closes.
The crossbridge gate has been completed except for the combination lock. Notice the five large stainless steel hinges that were used. This gate is very heavy duty.
The bayside bulkhead area was busy with folks fishing to try to match this set of reds that this guest  in 307 caught behind their condo. One was 28 inches and the other 24. Mullet heads were the bait that the reds preferred today.
Last evening Sohail(104) caught four keeper trout off the pier. Looks as if fishing is picking up here. Although last Tuesday I took out my boat with three friends and we tried for six hours with one undersized trout to show.  Pat(602) did not do much better as he went to St. Charles and came back with one 16 inch trout. Jim and Sandra(guests in 407) went out the same day and went all the way to Ayers Reef by way of Carlos Bay and found nothing but Gafftop. The weather was super so no one really complained about the catch.

When the new concrete pad for the dumpster was poured some of the irrigation lines were breeched. Jerry was able to lay lines around the pad and found that one sprinkler head was so clogged it had not worked in years. Here he has them all up and running. We could, however, really use some rain to kick start the lawn.

Monday, April 21, 2014

 There were a few fish caught this weekend. Scott went to his favorite place and brought back four trout. He had some live shrimp left over so Paul took them out to wade off the HEB shoreline. He brought back this trout and a 28 inch drum that gave him a really good fight.
Our own Nick Johnson went to the Lydia Ann Channel across from the lighthouse and bagged this 30 inch drum. They also caught some oversized reds and large drum. He said it was fun to catch them, but it would have been nice to bring some back for table fare.

I stopped by Johnson and Cate this afternoon. When I got out of my car I saw this mallard duck with her seven newly hatched ducklings. Ducks have to sit on the eggs for 28 days to hatch. She must have found a good hiding place for the month. She was pretty lost here and seemed to want to go back across the highway. She started across and got about halfway across the first lane when a car whizzed by and honked. She turned around and was last seen heading down the road to Harbor Oaks. The little ones had to walk really fast since they were so small. I doubt they will have much of a chance to make it.

 Work is almost complete on the gate across the crossbridge. The top of the gate will be trimmed into a semicircle. There will be a lock installed to prevent access from the west side without the proper code.
The concrete bulkhead behind 103 has split apart. Demo work is being done now in order to pour a new concrete cap.

Monday, April 14, 2014

This morning about 7:45 I was in the quadrangle talking to Jerry and Jack when I noticed these ducks flying south from over the 700 building. Suddenly, they took a dive straight down and landed in our pool. Jerry slipped up on them from behind a palm tree and snapped this picture with his cell phone. I had never seen ducks in our pool. I have to think these ducks headed north, but found winter was not yet through and did a 180 to come back south for a while. The north wind has been howling all day and the temperature is 50 degrees. Maybe they couldn't handle the headwind. They may have thought they had found their own private pond for duckling raising.  Then they tasted the treated water.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

 Work continues on improving the parking area near the pier. This spillway will drain away the water that splashes over the bulkhead and tends to flood and washout the parking area.
The exit gate and fence will cross the road at this point and attach to the 700 building at the end of the AC enclosure. The sidewalk will be extended for the walk through gate at this point in the fence.
The fence will extend all the way to the bay across the existing bulkhead.  The shovel in the picture marks the location of an underground conduit for connecting the electrical wiring for the gate motor.

Pat(602) sent this picture of a rattler he recently dispatched with his 9mm at his deer lease. He wanted me to know this was no April Fools Joke and I guess with his own brother's picture with the snake, I have to believe him!

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Work began this week on completing the bulkhead around the area near the pier. The concrete fill was trucked out.

A high pressure water jet is used to sink the shoreguard for the base of the wall. Notice a sledge hammer is used to drive them down while the water jet removes the sand from the area.

The shoreguard work is almost finished. Now a concrete cap will be put in place as on the right hand side. This cap will have one section that is slightly lower to allow water that washes over to be able to return to the bay rather than run down our driveway.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

They always say when you see one snake there must be another one. It was exactly one year ago today that I posted the big snake found on the HEB property. Today a work crew at HEB found "the other one". It measured 9' 6". I hope there aren't three of these and none find their way across the street. Check back to my post of April 1st of last year to see the first one.