Tuesday, October 14, 2014

 We had a weekend of  plumbing problems. First, on Thursday night, I noticed the red warning light was on at the lift station about 10:15. I called Penny and she came out and located a company in Corpus that came out at midnight. They only charged $271 for the call and put a temporary fix on the pipe with a compression fitting. The next day Jerry repaired the line with glued(see below) fittings and all seemed good to go. The only problem seemed to be that the leak had washed about 300 pounds of sand into our lift station tank. Jerry pumped it down and washed the sand into the pumps to empty it out.(picture at bottom)
Then on Saturday morning the sewer line erupted at another point.just under the new fence. Another plumber came out and estimated a repair cost of $753. After he got started he decided we needed to evacuate the pit. He called out the Honey Dipper. They came right out and did their job. When the plumber handed us the bill for $1,117 he mentioned that he had upped the Honey Dipper charge of $185 by $125 since he had called them out. This company had not worked here before and I would not call them out again. Maybe the cost was greater because he had to put a tent up since there were some showers at times.


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