Friday, March 31, 2017

Lina's weekly notes.

- Assisted with Pest Control on finishing the quarterly spray on the 300, 200, 100, and 700 building

- Removed trash from the mitigation area

- Requested for Randy Edwards to remove his boat and trailer from the property and to repair and put our floating dock that we had lent out for the breakwater project back to where it was. 

- Removed weeds from the 500 and 400 building

- Painted the skirting in between 500 and 600 building that had orange discoloration.

- Painted 603 and 604 lower deck back railings

- Reinforced pier light that had fallen and checked  for loose deck boards on pier and crossbridge and invoiced Phase II accordingly for their shared cost.

- Changed out sprinkler near the tennis court area

- Put one bracket on entrance gate chain to help absorb the force from the pull of gate

- Removed 8 inches of chain slack on entrance gate

- Spread more ant kill on the ant piles in the pool area and picnic areas

- Picked up and installed starter generator on golf cart - had to fix wiring as all the wires were cut

- Modified sand drag by removing some teeth on both sides

- Submitted an ad on Craigslist and Rockport pilot for maintenance and security help

This weeks agenda
- Schedule interviews for job positions
- Paint railings 605 and 606
- Remove weeds from the 300, 200, and 100 building area
- Send a letter out to Randy Edwards regarding 3 rd request to remove boat and trailer from the property
- Monitor the concrete pour under the 200 building by Area Foundation on Friday
- Follow up with 3G regarding the stucco project on the 200 building regarding a bid for window installation while in doing construction.  
- Monitor the cutting of the palm trees
- Change out the entrance gate, walk-through gate, and crossbridge gate codes for April 1.
- Meet with Smith Jester of Smart Docks regarding a bid for removing the remaining shoreguard left under water by Randy Edwards

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Lina's notes for the week.

- Scheduled with Tel Haley landscaping to cut palm trees on March 20 and fertilize lawn

- Sprayed lithium grease on the entrance and exit gate chain. Also noticed that the exit gate bracket - left side - someone hit it or bent it.  It's not making a major concern but eventually needs to be rewelded

- Forwarded the last signature needed for OSHA compliance

- Took apart starter generator off cart with the assistance of Ralph Torres and his guy

- Had Tel Haleys crew weed eat the grass areas off the beach when they cut the lawn Thursday

- Had the grass removed on the curb area near the exit gate

- Pulled the weeds out next to 608

- Put sand around the sprinkler heads on the court yard and areas around the property that were possible tripping hazards

- Trimmed more dead branches on the property

- Replaced flood lights that were out on the 700 and 200 building

- Painted the back deck railings of 601

- Owner of 403 had fallen down the stairs because the top railing snapped off - made an incident report - Owner has minor scratches and said was ok.

- Spoke with Steve at Western World Insurance claims department regarding the dog bite claim and gave the information requested

- Spoke with Bill Adams - Attorney in Rockport regarding the litigation we are requesting.  He also advised that we consult with a larger firm and referred me to Bryon Stone of Corpus Christi.

This weeks agenda
- Assist pest control with opening and closing of doors on the 300, 200, 100, and 700 building
- Remove trash from the mitigation area
- Continue to remove weeds from the buildings
- Set up an appointment with Bryon Stone - Attorney
- Repair skirting area that have fallen on the bayside
- Paint skirting areas that have orange discoloration
- Continue to paint the railings on the back of 600 building
- Palm tree trimming got rescheduled to a non windy day next week
- Drop off starter generator to CC Battery
- Paint ceiling that have visible water marks in 701, 401, 201

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Our purple martins have started filling up our houses again. Notice the sparrow relegated to sitting on the pulley in the middle waiting until some martins to leave so it can try to move in.

Driving along beach road today, I saw the biggest trout slick I have ever seen. It ran for at least a half mile up to Oyster House. It was up against the shoreline and about as wide as the road. The slick was fresh and clearly smelled like cucumbers. I had never seen one at the shoreline. Likely there were 10,000 ten inch trout with 10,000,000 shad pinned to the shoreline. However, if I had had a pole with me, I would have given it a try.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

 There were a few fish found this weekend. The reds came from Mesquite Bay and the trout below were caught by the Shulte family(308) with their favorite guide Terry Coufal.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Lina's correspondence for this week.

- Purchased parts to create bracket for entrance gate chain and to cut extra track from exit gate

- Caulked bay window over 708 as owner reported that she had water leaking in the corner

- Printed out hazard program from OSHA and went over self training and gave to employees to go over. Forwarded the signatures requested that all employees minus one have reviewed the hazard communication training.

- Monitored the concrete pour under 200 building

- Monitored the remaining posts being installed under the 600 building.  Ralph Torres crew discovered a faucet leak and repaired it.  They also saw a leak under 608 that was caused from the ac and we forwarded the issue to the management company.

- Put ant kill around areas near the pool and gazebo

- Lowered the sprinkler head near gazebo by the 300 building

- Created a schedule for painting the railings - 608 on the 9th (rained out)/601 on the 10th (rained out) - 606 on the 11th/604 on the 15th/ 602 on the 16th

- Assist pest control with open and closing of the doors - Had to reschedule for remaining spray on building 300, 200, 100, and 700 for March 20th at 9am due to heavy rain.

- Sent out management companies a notice for missing No BBQ signs on deck areas and reminders that no beach campfires are allowed.

- Requested for a list of guest check-ins and owners blocks for the spring break dates so we know how occupied the property will be.

- Fixed lamp post behind 601 with Michael Rodriguez - electrician.  There was a burnt wire midway in the post. Totals cost $117.83.

- Spoke with Nancy Jacobs - Realtor of 605 - and she said her handyman guy told her the exterior closet door has an interior type door.  Mr. Martinez owner of 605 will request KBM to remove the door and we will install the original door we purchased and charge to his account accordingly.

- Went over the crossbridge light posts that need to be replaced or rusting with electrician Michael Rodriguez and he said the electrical would not be hard to change out from the rusted post to schedule 80 piping.  He also said a few posts can be salvaged with only cutting a few inches from the bottom where it is rusted and reinsert into base. He said he can do 2 to 3 at a time to keep the project small.

- Fixed a main pipe that broke under condo 505.

This weeks agenda
- Schedule with Tel Haley regarding palm tree cutting and fertilizing lawn
- Go over painting of the railings schedule for this week 601 or 606. Last week delayed because of rain.
- Spray lithium grease on entrance and exit gate and adjust sag in chain
- Remove grass from beach area
- Take apart starter generator from cart to get refurbished
- Paint skirting and step railing areas that have orange discoloration.
- Check piping under buildings for bracket breakage to avoid other pipes cracking. Request for Ralph Torres assistance while his crew is under the buildings to keep an eye out for pipes sagging or leaking.
- Spray weed kill on areas in front of the buildings

Monday, March 13, 2017

The freeze did in a lot of our plants. The avocado tree in front of 601 barely survived. The branch between 601 and 602 received enough protection to be the only part of the tree that did not freeze. The last freeze did in the one in front of 602. Former owner, Jim Sykes, planted these many years ago. This tree will  never bear fruit since it was not grafted.
As can be seen below, the tree is trying to put on new growth.

This tiny flower found a way to sprout between the concrete curb and the concrete drive. Spring cannot be denied. Maybe Roger can tell us what the name of this plant might be.
I have seen a good number of purple martins already.
The contractor was almost finished with the work on the breakwater then his small boat sprung a leak. Getting it out will be interesting.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

A board meeting was held on Saturday. These minutes have not yet been approved.

Board Meeting Minutes 3-4- 17

I. Call to order by Larry at 4:40 pm

II. Establish Quorum – All board members present (Larry Biggers, Pete

Velasquez, Jim Canuteson, Scott Schomburg, Bill Borbandt) and Lina

(Property Manager)

III. Treasurer’s Report – Financials being presented by Jim and Lina.

1. Foundation Replacement Project – First Assessment ($142,801) has been

assessed and we have spent $58,908. Second Assessment ($83,700) has

been assessed and we have spent $22,540. Cost overruns to date are

$9,128 due to the need to replace bad floor beams under several buildings.

IV. Approval of Minutes – Minutes from Dec 29 th board meeting – Motion by

Larry to accept. Second by Jim. Approved unanimously.

V. Items for Information or Discussion

A. Roof leaks Sellars –

a. Lina emailed Terrence Sellars with no response. Scott will call


b. Maintenance to test the leak on 706 on Sunday with the water hose.

B. Dog Bite – We received a letter from the guy that was bit by renter's

dog. We forwarded it to our insurance company.

C. Foundation Attorney – Larry and Lina are working to find an attorney to

represent us in our pursuit of the concrete posts that were replaced several

years ago. These are badly honeycombed due to not being properly poured.

D. Painting of railings – We have pressure washed some of the decks. Lina is

going to provide the board with the schedule for painting the deck.

E. Crossbridge – Jerry to prep for replacing the light posts.

F. Policies – Lina to get a copy of the Bayhouse Policy book

G. Outside work on Condos – The board will be enforcing the HOA’s

authority to manage any exterior work that is executed by an owner without

the board’s approval.

H. Newsletter-Declaration – Lina to make note in the next Newsletter that all

exterior modifications need Board approval as well as that of all owners in

that building.

I. OSHA Complaints – Lina received an anonymous OSHA complaint about

our working conditions. Lina has our property in compliance.

VI. Action Items

A. Pool – Ralph is going to do the small decorative tile area. Lina is going to

put the depth markers on the pool wall. Al will do the epoxy painting of

the depth lines in the bottom of the pool and on the edge of the steps under

water and the depth markers on the deck around the pool. Lina will modify

the ladder and Al will install it. Motion by Pete and second by Scott for Al

to do the work that we have listed above for $3,050.

B. Work on 200 building – 3G has proposed a bid for $21,200. Lina to verify

that the bid is per the spec that Bill wrote. Scott made a motion that we

accept 3G’s bid for $21,200 for the 200 bldg project pending that it be

done per Bill’s spec. Pete second. Passed unanimously.

C. Breakwater – Randy Edwards claims that he needs more money for the

breakwater removal. We will pay only what he is owed per our contract

but only after he has completed the finger pier repair and replaced our


D. Bulkhead – Ralph Torres to get the engineer from Corpus to draw up the

bulkhead repair project.

E. Employee Job Performance – We discussed the status of our employees.

F. Other Business –

a. Minutes from the Nov 13 th board meeting – Larry made a motion to
Approve as amended.

Second from Scott. Approved by all.

G. Meeting adjourned – 7:15 pm motion by Jim and second by Pete.
We had some vandalism on our property recently. Rocks were thrown and broke the sliding glass door panes on two condos. We have adjusted our security cameras.

We also received a letter with our address, but for the attention of a former guest. The letter was from Thomas J. Henry asking for $2,000,000 for his client who was bitten by the dog of the former guest who was staying a condo here.
Lina's weekly notes.

- Planted flowers under the sign at entrance

- Trimmed more palm trees along driveway

- Weed eated the curb line along the 500, 200, 300 building

- Trimmed the bushes along 500, 400, 300, 200, 100

- Requested for Tel Haley to mow the grass this week - after next week depending on what the lawn looks like, will have him start weekly mowing

- Spoke with Allen regarding the pool repairs and revising the bid for the top depth markers, rust spot on bottom, epoxy paint on step, and installing the ladder.

- I spoke with Ralph regarding the tile repair under the lip of the pool and he said he can do it along with the depth markers on the wall sides.

- I called B&R Electric for the repair of the light in the pool and he said they do not do electrical work in the pools themselves.  The pool contractor is responsible changing the light bulbs and gaskets when a light goes out.  Allen said it's an estimated $140 and will add to the revised bid.

- I spoke with our insurance carrier and asked for an extension and explained to them regarding the contractors we have out here and that Bayfront has not had these requirements in several years so they had reinstated the policy but we still have to have it done within a reasonable time.  Pictures can be sent for the progress of it.

- Spoke with OSHA regarding compliance and they said they need signatures from the employees who have reviewed the Hazard Communication Program.

- Purchased 1 BBQ, installed, and put near the pool

- Spoke with Ralph regarding foundation progress and where we are at under the 200 building - he has concrete scheduled for March 9th

This weeks agenda
- Go over with Jerry on a painting of the railing schedule for the next 2 weeks
- Go over with the employees regarding the hazard communication program
- Go over the To Do List that the Board has updated
- Forward the Compilation of Hardiboard Wall Fabrication to 3G Contractors and get their proposal turned over to a contract
- Get size and length of Schedule 80 piping to order from Fergusons for post replacement on the crossbridge
- Remove the grass from beach
- Take ladder to welder to weld bracket on bottom of pool ladder
- Assist with opening and closing of doors for quarterly pest control on March 10 at 9am and check smoke detectors

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Lina's weekly notes

- Replaced porch and gazebo lights that were out with LED bulbs

- Sprayed weed kill on side and front of 700 building

- Replaced pool bulbs that were reported out

- Sprayed mildew cleaner on the back of 701, 702, 600 and 508 lower deck areas

- Painted the side of buildings of 501, 210, 201, 108, 701 of orange discoloration

- Repaired a water hose faucet behind 401

- Painted areas on the building that had stucco patch visible

- Trimmed the bushes in front of the 700 building

- Followed up on the cart repair from the Cart store - Total repair cost was $240.32 - They had replaced a bent spring (which was the reason we could not get it to move), bent snap ring, and clutch belt as the other one had a cracked area in it. Now because the new belt in place is causing the starter to finally go out.  Interstate battery can refurbish the start - just need to take it off.

- Monitored the pouring of concrete under the 200 building

- Monitored the break water project - only has about 25 ft left to remove.  Randy's crew removed an extra 50 feet on each side and will submit an invoice for the extra footage

- Finish the touch up paint on the office building

- Spoke with OSHA regarding compliance - everything is good - just need to purchase the eye wash online and forward a receipt - no stores sell them and has to be ordered - Northern tools only rents the eye was per day.  OSHA had emailed me some information to provide for Hazard Communication Training for the employees to go over with.

- Trim palm trees in front of the 700 building along the driveway

- Assist with pest control to spray in units of 303, 601, and under 203

- Spoke with Allen of the insurance compliance schedule asap - he said that he has another that has looked it and is trying to get it started by this week

- Spoke with 708 regarding her sliding glass door being broken.  They went through their insurance company and have ordered their new sliding door.

- Monitored the new french door being installed on the back entrance of 303

This weeks agenda
- Allen will be draining the pool and start working on the compliance - estimated finish time is by this Sunday
- Plant some flowers under the entrance sign
- Cut more palm trees along the driveway and near pool area
- Trim the hedges on the back of 700 and front of 500, 300, and side of 400 building
- Paint skirting areas that have orange discoloration
- Pressure wash upper lower deck areas of 600 building