A board meeting was held on Saturday. These minutes have not yet been approved.
Board Meeting Minutes 3-4- 17
I. Call to order by Larry at 4:40 pm
II. Establish Quorum – All board members present (Larry Biggers, Pete
Velasquez, Jim Canuteson, Scott Schomburg, Bill Borbandt) and Lina
(Property Manager)
III. Treasurer’s Report – Financials being presented by Jim and Lina.
1. Foundation Replacement Project – First Assessment ($142,801) has been
assessed and we have spent $58,908. Second Assessment ($83,700) has
been assessed and we have spent $22,540. Cost overruns to date are
$9,128 due to the need to replace bad floor beams under several buildings.
IV. Approval of Minutes – Minutes from Dec 29 th board meeting – Motion by
Larry to accept. Second by Jim. Approved unanimously.
V. Items for Information or Discussion
A. Roof leaks Sellars –
a. Lina emailed Terrence Sellars with no response. Scott will call
b. Maintenance to test the leak on 706 on Sunday with the water hose.
B. Dog Bite – We received a letter from the guy that was bit by renter's
dog. We forwarded it to our insurance company.
C. Foundation Attorney – Larry and Lina are working to find an attorney to
represent us in our pursuit of the concrete posts that were replaced several
years ago. These are badly honeycombed due to not being properly poured.
D. Painting of railings – We have pressure washed some of the decks. Lina is
going to provide the board with the schedule for painting the deck.
E. Crossbridge – Jerry to prep for replacing the light posts.
F. Policies – Lina to get a copy of the Bayhouse Policy book
G. Outside work on Condos – The board will be enforcing the HOA’s
authority to manage any exterior work that is executed by an owner without
the board’s approval.
H. Newsletter-Declaration – Lina to make note in the next Newsletter that all
exterior modifications need Board approval as well as that of all owners in
that building.
I. OSHA Complaints – Lina received an anonymous OSHA complaint about
our working conditions. Lina has our property in compliance.
VI. Action Items
A. Pool – Ralph is going to do the small decorative tile area. Lina is going to
put the depth markers on the pool wall. Al will do the epoxy painting of
the depth lines in the bottom of the pool and on the edge of the steps under
water and the depth markers on the deck around the pool. Lina will modify
the ladder and Al will install it. Motion by Pete and second by Scott for Al
to do the work that we have listed above for $3,050.
B. Work on 200 building – 3G has proposed a bid for $21,200. Lina to verify
that the bid is per the spec that Bill wrote. Scott made a motion that we
accept 3G’s bid for $21,200 for the 200 bldg project pending that it be
done per Bill’s spec. Pete second. Passed unanimously.
C. Breakwater – Randy Edwards claims that he needs more money for the
breakwater removal. We will pay only what he is owed per our contract
but only after he has completed the finger pier repair and replaced our
D. Bulkhead – Ralph Torres to get the engineer from Corpus to draw up the
bulkhead repair project.
E. Employee Job Performance – We discussed the status of our employees.
F. Other Business –
a. Minutes from the Nov 13 th board meeting – Larry made a motion to
Approve as amended.
Second from Scott. Approved by all.
G. Meeting adjourned – 7:15 pm motion by Jim and second by Pete.
Board Meeting Minutes 3-4- 17
I. Call to order by Larry at 4:40 pm
II. Establish Quorum – All board members present (Larry Biggers, Pete
Velasquez, Jim Canuteson, Scott Schomburg, Bill Borbandt) and Lina
(Property Manager)
III. Treasurer’s Report – Financials being presented by Jim and Lina.
1. Foundation Replacement Project – First Assessment ($142,801) has been
assessed and we have spent $58,908. Second Assessment ($83,700) has
been assessed and we have spent $22,540. Cost overruns to date are
$9,128 due to the need to replace bad floor beams under several buildings.
IV. Approval of Minutes – Minutes from Dec 29 th board meeting – Motion by
Larry to accept. Second by Jim. Approved unanimously.
V. Items for Information or Discussion
A. Roof leaks Sellars –
a. Lina emailed Terrence Sellars with no response. Scott will call
b. Maintenance to test the leak on 706 on Sunday with the water hose.
B. Dog Bite – We received a letter from the guy that was bit by renter's
dog. We forwarded it to our insurance company.
C. Foundation Attorney – Larry and Lina are working to find an attorney to
represent us in our pursuit of the concrete posts that were replaced several
years ago. These are badly honeycombed due to not being properly poured.
D. Painting of railings – We have pressure washed some of the decks. Lina is
going to provide the board with the schedule for painting the deck.
E. Crossbridge – Jerry to prep for replacing the light posts.
F. Policies – Lina to get a copy of the Bayhouse Policy book
G. Outside work on Condos – The board will be enforcing the HOA’s
authority to manage any exterior work that is executed by an owner without
the board’s approval.
H. Newsletter-Declaration – Lina to make note in the next Newsletter that all
exterior modifications need Board approval as well as that of all owners in
that building.
I. OSHA Complaints – Lina received an anonymous OSHA complaint about
our working conditions. Lina has our property in compliance.
VI. Action Items
A. Pool – Ralph is going to do the small decorative tile area. Lina is going to
put the depth markers on the pool wall. Al will do the epoxy painting of
the depth lines in the bottom of the pool and on the edge of the steps under
water and the depth markers on the deck around the pool. Lina will modify
the ladder and Al will install it. Motion by Pete and second by Scott for Al
to do the work that we have listed above for $3,050.
B. Work on 200 building – 3G has proposed a bid for $21,200. Lina to verify
that the bid is per the spec that Bill wrote. Scott made a motion that we
accept 3G’s bid for $21,200 for the 200 bldg project pending that it be
done per Bill’s spec. Pete second. Passed unanimously.
C. Breakwater – Randy Edwards claims that he needs more money for the
breakwater removal. We will pay only what he is owed per our contract
but only after he has completed the finger pier repair and replaced our
D. Bulkhead – Ralph Torres to get the engineer from Corpus to draw up the
bulkhead repair project.
E. Employee Job Performance – We discussed the status of our employees.
F. Other Business –
a. Minutes from the Nov 13 th board meeting – Larry made a motion to
Approve as amended.
Second from Scott. Approved by all.
G. Meeting adjourned – 7:15 pm motion by Jim and second by Pete.
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