Friday, August 25, 2006

The wind has been rough today. Yesterday Jerry and I went to Sailboat Pass and came back with only one nice trout. Rita and Marv Kreuter came down for a couple of days and he went with a guide yesterday and picked up eight trout. They stayed in 101.
It looks like we have tournament tomorrow. A tent is up on the lawn.
I saw Janice McMahon at Fry Baybe's. That's the old Bull Dog eatery. She is the manager. You might remember she used to work here with J.C. Her father sold shrimp from his pickup out at the front. She said he passed away in May.
Contrary to what I was told earlier, it seems as if Sarah Aguirre has decided to stay as office manager a bit longer.
There was board of directors meeting last Saturday. When I get some notes on the meeting, I will post them.
We have had lots of rain here. This is as green as I have seen this place. Jerry said he cut the grass twice last week.


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