Sunday, September 03, 2006

The water temperature is 85 degrees, but the fish are still active. The fishing tournament last weekend produced good catches of both trout and reds. I was told that they mostly fished near the dredge working the Dunham Point area. I took the boat out there on three consecutive days last week and came back with three fish. We did catch a lot of small trout and had a lot of fun. They are building a seawall to protect the erosion of Goose Island at the turn coming out of the intercoastal into the Goose Island channel. It is a hugh project.
The new pest control company, Bug Free, previously known as Aransas Pest Control, spent most of the the week checking under buildings and treating for termites where they were found. The employee told me that he found very few active termites.
This week's Rockport Hearld published a list of the most outstanding deliquent tax accounts in Aransas County. It was a long and interesting list.


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