Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fishing has been fairly consistent. I picked up three trout near Long Reef on Saturday. Sunday we caught many small trout, but no keepers. Today was stormy and few boats were out. Gus(203) did go out and got chased back in by a storm.
The big security light near 701 was repaired today. It had been out three months. A new BBQ pit was brought in on Friday and placed in the picnic area near 308.
Another condo went on the market today, 206. They are nearly finished remodeling it.
I talked to Dusty(506) today and he said his place has had no offers and he has reduced the price to $223,000. Nothing has sold since last October.
There was a theft in one of the newly remodeled units two weeks ago. A big flat screen TV, a smaller set, and a DVD player were taken. The increased security hours may help, but we have had so many workers on site with various projects, its hard to know who's supposed to be here. My daughter left a digital camera on the deck and turned her back for a few seconds and it was gone.


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