Monday, May 07, 2007

The Kontiki Board of Directors met on Saturday. They had not met in a long time so the meeting was lengthy-four and one-half hours. All members were present. The highlights of the meeting are as follows.

Each morning someone will walk the property to:

  1. Pick up trash in the parking lot, on the grounds, and on the beach.
  2. Inspect the boat ramp and clean as needed.
  3. Straighten and properly place the pool furniture.
  4. Empty trash cans if necessary.
  5. Check BBQ pits and empty if necessary.
  6. Clean the fish cleaning area and straighten picnic areas.
  7. Skim clean the pool.
  8. Close the skirting gates if necessary.

Two evenings per week the lights on the pier, buildings and in the parking lots will be checked and replaced if necessary.

Each Monday and Friday morning the beach will be raked and holes filled.

Batteries will be replaced in smoke alarms twice a year. This will be a HOA expense.

Fire extinguishers will be inspected annually. If one is missing, it will be replaced at owner expense. If the extinguisher is found to have served its useful life, it will be replaced at HOA expense.

The mitigation site will be cleaned the first of each month in the fall and winter and every two weeks in the summer. Currently there is a trashcan, chair, and a lot of paper and plastic debris in the site.

The hose racks that were removed when replacing the skirting will be reattached.

A new pool sign will be put up. Karra had one made, but there were errors and it will be redone.

The swim ring, safety hook and dip net will be hung neatly on the pool fence.

The spring hinges on the pool gate will be repaired.

The BBQ pit at the end of the 300 building will be replaced. Dave will do the shopping. I saw a large one at Academy for $229 that is stainless steel. Stainless may hold up better in this environment.

The energy company will repair the security light at the end of the 700 building. It has been out for several months.

The photocell that is keeping the lights on all day on the fishing cleaning area will be repaired.

The upper balcony railings on 209 and 210 will be lowered.

A fourth dumpster has been ordered for the summer.

The pool lights will be put on a timer.

The sprinkler system was reported to be operating daily at 3:00 a.m. I have personally not seen it operate since Jerry left in January.

The large pier light that is directed at the channel will be moved to the bayside.

The 300 building decks will be finished by Rob. He will finish in Victoria in about three weeks and after a short vacation, he will resume work on the decks.

The decks on the 100 and 200 buildings will be completed soon after the 300 building. Owners are being notified when their deck is scheduled for work so that guests may be alerted.

Prices will be obtained for restriping and renumbering the parking lot.

The unit numbers above doors that were removed when doors were replaced will be replaced.

The beach lights that were installed on the 100 building were deemed too

large. The board will consider smaller lights and fixtures.

Beachfront skirting will be painted but not replaced.

Wood that is currently stored under buildings will be removed when deck work is completed. This will disappoint the termites!

The question of loans to the HOA was posed. To date three loans of $25,000 each have been made. The board has not approved or signed the loan agreement. No details were given as to what the money has been used for other than improvements.

The SOP was amended to prohibit open campfires on the beach.

No propane gas grill fires will be allowed on the decks.

There was much discussion about the HOA golf cart. There was determined to be no use for it. The beach will be raked and holes filled with a shovel. The idea was posed to use the Phase II cart and bill on an hourly basis to drag the beach, but Karra did not think this was a good idea. Dave will check to see what it will take to get ours running in order to sell it or store it in maintenance shed. It has been parked behind the Phase II building for months.

Most of the shrubs were removed from the beds around the front of the 700 building. Karra will select some new plants and create a test area to see if that is how we want to redo the landscaping. An area of river rock and white rock is in place and the board will decide which will look better.

The condition of the roof was discussed. A bid from River City Roofing was reviewed. Their price was $425,000 to reroof with tile like that which is now in place. $225,000 was the price to replace the roof with asphalt shingles. The board discussed other options and decided to get an evaluation of the current roof before proceeding. Our annual roof repairs have averaged less than $10,000 per year. This year’s budget for roof repair is just less than $7,000.

Richy reported that Derrick Construction has not responded to his requests concerning the breakwater problems. He will continue to try to contact them. Meanwhile the board will look for someone to dredge the areas that are not dredged to the specifications in the original contract.

Karra presented a proposal to install centralized locking mailboxes. She will check on costs.

Richy told the board that he does not think all the rental and for sale signs in windows of several condos look attractive. The board took no action.

There was concern about changes to the grounds that are appearance issues that the board had not been aware of. It was decided that in the future the board would be given options before changes are implemented.

Security measures were considered. Hours will be added to Paul’s schedule to provide a better security presence. The board will continue to look at security cameras. Sandollar Security can install a system for $10,000, but the costs for monitoring were not known.

Chris’s term as free property manager has expired. Karra suggested that Justin be named property manager. The board decided to advertise the position and select a manager at a later date.

Since the board had not met since the annual meeting when board members were elected, officers were elected. A motion was made and passed for all current officers to remain in their current positions.

The next board meeting was set for September 22.


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