Saturday, September 22, 2007

Here is a copy of the agenda that the board used for their meeting this morning. I will post my notes from the meeting soon.

Phase I Kontiki Beach Resort of Directors, Agenda, Board Meeting, September 22, 2007, 9:00 a.m., Phase II Clubhouse

1. Modify/Accept May 5, 2007 minutes

2. Property Managers report (Chris/Justin)

3. Board to consider hiring a full time employee to do routine maintenance, cleanup and minor repairs

4. Confirm replacement of smoke alarm batteries (twice yearly) and inspection of fire extinguisher (annual)

5. Asphalt Repairs Replacement

6. Bug treatment inspection review contract, frequency and billing

7. Pier Repair Update

8. Breakwater Repair Update

9. Board to Consider Repairing Exterior of all Buildings/Review bid to pressure wash and touch up paint

10. Annual Maintenance and Inspection of Roof-Certification not available (Karr)

11. Derrick Contraction Update (Richy)

12. Building 100 updating shrubbery and ground cover (Karra)

13. Tennis Court Inspection and Recommendation for Repairs Date of last inspection? (Dave)

14. Result from Light Post Inspection and change in billing to Phase II

15. Board to review loan agreement

16. Security Patrol Winter Schedule 25% of cost to be billed to Phase II

17. Gardening Services Provided by __at a cost of $240.00 per week

18. Review information on Security Cameras

19. Phase I Golf Cart (Richy)

20. Electrical contract expires at the end of October 2007. Current rate .1274 per kwh. Look for new supplier?

21. Discuss Property Manager Position, who it will be, responsibilities and pay

22. Other new business

23. Set time for next meeting


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