Monday, December 17, 2007

This time of year it is pretty much of a ghost town around here. The only weekend rental I saw last weekend was in 102. They had a great time fishing off the bulkhead and did catch a 26 inch red on pin perch. News is hard to find, but I know some people look at this blog often, so I keep posting. Last week logons were posted from ten states and thirteen Texas cities. One person in northwest Texas logged on nine times. I hope he wasn't disappointed by the lack of news.
Bill and Barbara Jessee arrived last week. They were disappointed to see how many things had disappeared from their place during the summer, but that is not uncommon, or so I have heard.
All available help has been working on the motel. Rob said we will not recognize it when it is completed. They even worked all weekend. Nearly all the metal is being removed and replaced with wood. Two additional stairwells have been added at each end of the building. I'll post a picture when it gets further along.
The new Chili's has opened. I tried it out last week and the food was great, but the place was crowded. I think they will do well. The old Back 40 had reopened as the Cancun Cantina. I guess that failed and now the marquee says a buffet diner is coming.
Hearst newspapers will no longer be available in the Rockport area. This includes the San Antonio Express News and the Houston Chronicle. They said they were losing too much money on the south Texas deliveries.
Ron is still working on the rock dressing of the area around the shrubbery. He is about halfway through the 600 building. He drags the beach on Friday and Monday. Today the tide is very low so he picked up thrash under the pier behind the 300 building.
The channel and breakwater still are a problem. The channel is really filling with sediment. It is now shallow all the way out to the end of the old pier. Last Wednesday the tide was near normal and my depth finder read two feet. I'm sure its near one foot with the tide we have now. Interestingly, the very end is still deep. This would indicate to me that sand is coming in somewhere besides from the end. The 30 inch all thread bolts that secure the pilings to the shoreguard continue to come out. I can see five that have come out and fallen into the water with two more on the way. This problem will only become worse if not taken care of soon.
Tomorrow I have an appointment to go to Johnson and Cate to pick up the November financial statement and to look at revenues and expenditures for other months. Since we are not having an audit, I wanted to look over some receipts to get a better feel of where all the money goes, especially the large amounts that have exceeded our 2007 budget.


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