Thursday, November 06, 2008

Today's post is really a collection of little stuff.
I visited with Susie Martinez(former office rental agent) today. She is doing well working for a local dentist. Her daughter, Sierra, was five in June. From the picture I saw she looks more like seven or eight. It seems like just last year when she was born.
Mrs. Humphries arrive earlier this week for her annual six month stay. It will be good to have a neighbor next door.
More sand was spread on the beach this week.
Paul(505) caught a 21 inch Flounder on Sunday.
Pat(602) caught one red and one trout before the rain this morning. He went back out after the rain, but didn't catch anything else.
Chris and Karra are due to come in from California this evening.
Pat(staying in 205) has not caught a Flounder since last week and she tries very hard.
Remodeling has started on 404.
Beverly Peddy is no longer working at Johnson and Cate. Our accountant is now Heather.


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