Sunday, September 27, 2009

This obituary appeared in this weekend's Rockport Pilot. Maxey and Frances Mayo were original owners at Kontiki. They owned unit 102 and Maxey was particularly active with the homeowners' council. After selling their place, they later purchased unit 705. They owned that unit they sold to the present owner.

Ruth Mayo VanLandingham, 44, passed away April 24, 2009. She was born in Fort Worth on Oct. 8, 1964.

She was preceded in death by one brother, Robert Thomas Mayo.

She is survived by her parents, Maxey and Frances Mayo; one daughter, Jennifer VanLandingham; one brother, James Maxey Mayo; and one sister, Elizabeth Moss Mayo Ramsey.

A memorial service will be held Oct. 10 at 10 a.m. at First United Methodist Church.


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