Sunday, November 21, 2010

Steve Bernhard(711) caught this 36 inch red off the pier last night. He was using dead shrimp off the end of the pier. Ronnie(506) had a net and leaned over the edge to just barely get the fish into the net. Steve's wife Jane single handedly used an electric knife to cut off the head and take out the guts. Steve and I stood by and watched. Jane is all about this fishing business and not just the catching.
Jeff Chupik(301) went out to Mud Island in his dad's boat yesterday and came back with two flounder.
On a more serious note, and I hesitate to even go here, but I think documentation is necessary. The problems with the onsite rental office have apparently caused considerable stress for Chris Crowley. He recently filed a defamation of character lawsuit against a Phase II owner. Last evening he drove his Mercedes up to me and vociferously cursed me and threatened bodily harm. For my personal safely I will be leaving today for San Antonio for a few days until he leaves. Consequently, there may be a dearth of blog posts for a few days.


Anonymous Kerry Urbanowicz said...

I hope Steve used a Red fish tag on this fish now that the world knows that he caught an over-sized one.

Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 10:09:00 PM CST  

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