Before it turned cold this week Larry Rabe used his carpentry skills to replace stair boards behind the 500 and 600 buildings where they were needed. Some of the salvaged pier boards were used.

Larry then applied his electrical skills to completely rewire all the lighting,security cameras, and wifi on the post at the boat parking. He also installed a new security light on the pole.

Larry mixed seven bags of concrete to fill the hole caused by the garbage truck when picking up the dumpster across from the 100 building. We had placed two concrete blocks in this area years ago, but the new trucks create a different path that missed the old blocks. Notice the new sprinkler head that had to be moved. It was located at the bend in the curb and the trucks had crushed the old one. This week Larry has worked inside the maintenance shed to repair the hail damaged window screens. So far he has completed twenty of the fifty two that were damaged.
Christy Aguirre posted a comment on my last post describing the storm damage she saw in Rockport. Today's Rockport Pilot has a lead story about the storm with some pictures of what Christy describes. A link is at the top right of this post.
The only inside storm damage so far was in unit 404. It seems to have come from the unit above through a roof leak. No one has been able to enter that unit to see if they have any damage. Mike McAdams had come out to the our complex just a few days before the storm to repair roof leaks in 405 and 103. He said he will come out to do some more repairs soon. We have a five year
warranty on the roof.
My cars had hail damage too. My insurance adjuster came up with $1,700 for each car. I carry a $100 deductible on each so I hope his allowance will be enough. Interestingly, when the sun comes out and heats the metal surfaces, the hail dimples are hard to see, but when the cold comes back, there they are again.
The Rockport Urgent Care Center opened for business this week. A service like this was really needed.
My blog stats this week show a lot of folks must have been looking at the blog for storm damage reports. This blog was accessed 98 times from San Antonio. Second only to Texas, California sent 28 logins.
Our new television service provider, Cobridge, has been responsive to calls for repair service. I hope this level of service will continue.
Another bid for the irrigation upgrade that owners voted for came in today. It appears we will be able to complete the project for less than the estimated cost. The lift station pump replacement cost was received yesterday and this will be about $5,500. With all the savings this board is achieving, I believe this cost can be absorbed without an assessment. Even today, I made a trip to Lowe's and purchased all 18 hose bibs that they had in stock. They were $3 a piece cheaper than at ProBuild although Probuild had plenty. We will need about 35 to complete the work on replacing the the hose bibs on the outside of the buildings. I think another trip to Lowe's will be worth it.