This weekend only saw minor problems so far. About midnight I walked by the pool and there was the biggest pool party I have ever seen here. There were no less than 20 beer bottles arrayed around the pool. They were kind enough to pick them all up when reminded of the rules about bottles around the pool area. Last evening our security called Maria to report four vehicles without parking permits that came in for a one bedroom unit in the 400 building. Maria called them and they said those people were just coming by to use the bathroom. I think Maria threatened them with eviction if she found they were really putting that many people in one condo.
Last evening our security turned away fifteen vehicles who were trying to enter our property for various reasons. He heard some of the excuses that Pop says he hears all the time. They say,"When did this become private property"? or "I've fished here for years and no one ever objected." One car came by with a load of people and fishing gear and said, "I stayed here a few weeks ago and I just wanted to show my friends the pier."
Ultimately, the only solution that will ever work for us is to build or buy a condo on our property to oversee, manage, and rent. We did this fifteen years ago and it worked really well.
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