Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Is the redfish run in the mitigation site over you ask? Ed shows us the answer. He caught these 24 and 26 inch reds this evening on "old" cut perch. He had left the perch chunks in the frig a few days, not purposefully. He and I had  gone out for about 2 hours before sunset today and had no luck at all. No wonder, all the keepers are right out here. Last night Alvin had a big stringer of about six nice drum. There was one 26 inch red caught off the pier today in mid afternoon.
I had wondered about getting my boat out today. The north wind had driven the tide down about a foot and dropped the water temperature to 67. However, when we went through the channel, I didn't even have to trim up the engine. I guess the engineer is correct we have reached equilibrium and it's not going to get any worse.


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