Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Lina purchased and Jerry planted a variety of flowers around our entrance sign. This is not just to look nice, but also to experiment to see what the local deer population will leave alone. We have had a lot more deer this year and they tend to come down the entrance road at night to see what's on the menu. Jerry planted a rather large bougainvillea only to find the deer really like that one.
I have seen something this winter that is a first. The last two weekends in February found our pool filled with folks.  Mostly kids, but some adults. Hopefully the pool will stay warm for spring break.
The warm February combined with my newest electrical provider allowed by electric bill for the month to be less than $45. That is a new first too.
We have run into some electrical line issues in trying to build a bulkhead to stop the erosion across from 708. AEP is sending out an engineer to determine if they need to move their line pole.


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