Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I reviewed our HOA books for three hours yesterday afternoon. It seems great liberties have been taken with our HOA account. I am very concerned. I did not finish reviewing the whole year and will have to return to complete my review. Since we have not had a recent audit, I was afraid there were problems. I showed some of the issues to Beverly and she said," we do as we are told." I see no problems with what Johnson and Cate are doing, but I seriously question what they are being told to do. I will post a listing of questionable expenses and activities when I complete my review. I do not see how they can be resolved without professional or legal intervention. I can report that all payments made to Rob appear to be in good order and accurate.
The issue that I was most interested in was the billings for security lights. Earlier this summer a board member looked into the issue and it appeared then that the HOA is being charged for someone else's lights. Richy sent and email that requested that this pursuit be curtailed. At the Sept. 22 board meeting the board asked Justin to look into the question. He was given the contact information.. At the November 9 meeting Justin reported that he had been in contact with the AEP and that they had not been cooperative. Last week I contacted Hilda Bernal at the AEP. She said no one had contacted her recently, but she had come out several months ago and had gotten it in writing that she was to leave things as they are. My review of the bills clearly showed that we are still paying for six security lights from Reliant Energy and five lights from Startex Energy, while we have only four on our property. I have my own ideas why our board doesn't want to correct this. I'll go into that in a later post.
I picked up the November financial statements while I was at Johnson and Cate. Our long term liabilities show a new item "Improvement Loan-Crowley" in the amount of $50,000. I'm not sure what that means. Under current assets a new item from last month is listed as "Cash-Wells Fargo-Capital Improvements" in the amount of $50,100. Maybe the Crowleys advanced some of their part of the recent assessment, but then I don't see why it would be a liability. I asked Karra last month if she would ask Justin to attach a note to monthly statements, as John Knostman did, to explain any unusual expenses. I noticed also that the fine imposed by the GLO was paid in November. Since it exceeded the $1,000 limit set by our declaration for non budgeted items, it should have been approved at the owners' meeting.
I met a new employee, John, this morning. He was cleaning out our maintenance building. He said he has been hired for maintenance for all the local Crowley properties.
An electrical contractor spent all day here today to try to repair our lighting problems. Tuesday night I counted 51 lights that were not working. At least we were saving on the energy bill. He still did not finish and I guess will return tomorrow. He said that the beach lights that had been installed by another company earlier this summer, had never been connected to the main circuit and had never had any power. The beach lights are all on tonight for the first time.


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