Friday, April 04, 2008

The city of Rockport is having another festival this weekend. I never knew of any city with more festivals. This weekend it is the Herb Fest, whatever that is. It is being held in the high school.
Beginning next week the city of Fulton will begin work on North Fulton Beach Road. The project will cost $635,000 and cover the area from Hwy. 35 to Palmetto. The work is to be completed in two months and the road will be one lane most of the time.
Kinsel's crew has almost finished pulling out all the pilings in the marina. They will install the new pilings and Robbie will complete the work on the finger piers.
The cold front blew through here about 3:00 this afternoon. Jay(206) went to Long Reef this morning to beat the front. He came back with three nice trout. The largest was 20 inches. He used live shrimp.
I set two rods out off the back deck baited with perch. Later I planned to go to Walmart and went to check the rods before I left. I was taking the slack out of one when the other rod had a hit. I thought for sure it was a hardhead so I gave it a pull and placed it back in the holder so I could go back in and put on some shoes and a jacket. When I came back out the pole was bent over and some drag was going out. I thought at that point it may not be a hardhead. I went down the steps and to the wall and brought up this 26 inch red. Life is good.


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