Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rockport had a pretty wet weekend. A total of 2.5 inches of rain fell and winds peaked at 35 mph this afternoon.
Marv got out on the bay three times last week. Saturday he booked guide, Dave Posey, and they landed a total of one trout. Thursday he went with Tim Redden and did better with a couple of reds and several trout. He went to Long Reef on Tuesday and fought the wind to pick up one trout between the two of them.
Rockport has decided to rebuild the giant crab that used to be located at the Rockport harbor. The new crab will again be about twelve feet across. The old crab had become a true icon for visitors to Rockport.
Oyster boat captains are making up for lost time. Their season was abruptly halted on March 8 due to contamination of waters. I first noticed them back on the bay about two weeks ago. Their season will end on Wednesday, the 30th.


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