Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It looks as if things are going to be very busy around here the next two weeks. The roofing project is set to kick off on Thursday. The company insists that they will finish by June 1st. They plan to use 35 employees. The price was adjusted yesterday to allow use of materials that can withstand winds of 120 mph.. The final price will be around $163,000, well within our budget. Paint will be available tomorrow in a light yellow color to paint the buildings after the roofing is completed. I don't think a final selection of color has been made. I'll try to post pictures as things progress.
Clark Construction is supposed to be here this week to evaluate the clearing of the channel from all the sand that has accumulated. I don't feel there is any way to ever solve this problem without modifying the existing configuration. Something has to be done to prevent the waves from traveling straight down the channel and depositing their sand. Either an additional angled section has to be added or about 100 feet could be removed from the north end and placed perpendicular to the end of the south section. This could probably be done without additional GLO approval, maybe.
The March financial statement arrived on Saturday. It is still difficult to know what to think about it. About all that can be determined with certainty is that we were more than 100% over budget for the month. Some of that is the accumulation of salaries that were posted in March. It would still be good to receive some notes of explanation with the statement, as we did for many years.
No more work has been done on the finger piers as all available help is being used in the remodeling that is going on. All units in the rental pool are rented for Memorial Day and the time is getting short. The Will Petty party is renting over 25 units for the following week, so much is being done this week. I am trying to get some remodeling done in my upstairs bath. I had a local contractor give me a written estimate for $23,600. Rob said he could get in done for half of that in a week. I had to get started and Rob was still in California, so I am going with a friend of Gus(203) and doing less than a complete remodel.
Fishing off the deck continues to be good. This 23 inch trout came by on Sunday. Jim(210) netted her up and took the picture.


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