Thursday, November 20, 2008

The annual Kontiki HOA meeting was held on November 8. These are my recollections of the meeting.
I guess old habits die hard, but in the old days the meetings were so much more social. We would have coffee and donuts and name tags and introductions of owners. We would sit in a circle so everyone could see everyone else. There were always plenty of handouts of association records and finances. More recently we sit in rows and talk to the back of other folks heads. I know everyone and many people asked me afterward to identify owners who they did not know. Scott(702) and Angela(108)want to bring back some of the camaraderie that we used to share. Angela wants to organize a social function for owners to be held on Saturday evening after the meeting. Scott wants to organize an owners' fishing tournament to be held the weekend of the annual meeting. It's good to see such youthful energy and willingness to contribute. Chris did host a pizza bash at Panjo's after the meeting, but it was not very well attended.(I ate my share)
Two different budgets were presented. One required a monthly fee of $250 and the other required $265. A couple of mistakes were noted in the budgets and eventually there was never a vote taken. Karra did tell me after the meeting that they will use the $250 budget. She said she had gone through the bills that were paid last year to establish a budget for this year. Karra works very hard at putting the meetings and budgets together, but it is difficult because she spends so little time in Rockport and I don't see that she is getting a lot of help.
Last year's meeting resulted in an assessment of $10,500 for each owner to fund up to $651,000 of improvements. It was presented that $394,000 has been spent to date. No individual costs for projects were identified. Last year Chris said that Johnson and Cate would keep the assessment money in a separate account. When questions were raised about the financial records to date, no one had any answers. Chris said that next year he will ask Johnson and Cate to have someone at our meeting who can answer questions about the budget and expenses.
There was much discussion about current funding issues. The channel needs to be dredged. It has become very shallow. Bellaire Environmental completed a survey on October 17th. A dredging company currently working at Goose Island gave a price of $100,000 based on the Bellaire study. This price is only good through December. Many owners felt that we need to find out why the channel filled so quickly before we dredge again. Justin said that Bellaire is working on a design to improve the geometry of the breakwater. It may include an "L" at the end to prevent shoaling into the channel. Justin said we cannot wait or the dredging cost may go up. If the retainage from the original contractor is subtracted the remaining cost is then divided by the 117 units that currently use the channel, the cost per unit comes out to $512. It was determined that this would be billed for December. If the "L" is recommended, Justin said that would be around $25,000 extra. Chris said that in 18 months the Sailhouse development will come on line and begin sharing channel costs with us. I guess that would include the GLO easement cost too.
A long discussion of a new pier followed. The estimated cost would be $150,000. If that is split 60/40 with Phase II, the Phase I cost per unit would be $1,451. There was discussion about the GLO requirement for a permit. There were some guesses about the time frame for the permit. In the meantime it was determined that the repair to Phase I pier needs to be completed. Justin estimated this to cost about $7,000. The week after the meeting I talked to Amy Nunez at the GLO office in Corpus. She is familiar with our property and said she will come out and work with Justin to get the application for the new pier completed. I printed out the applicaton form and took it to Justin.
The day after our meeting, the Phase II meeting was held. They did not want to split the pier cost 60/40. They wanted to split the cost by square footage which comes out more like 75/25. There is ongoing discussion about calling another Phase I meeting to accept the increased cost. I guess we will hear more later.
The cross pier needs to be replaced also. The cost was estimated at $75,000 with the Phase I cost to be $725 per unit, if the 60/40 split is used.
All costs were approved without a formal vote, just a general "aye". There were no votes on issues presented where any dissent was noted. I think owners realize that they can have input, but when the vote is taken, individual votes really don't matter.
It was noted that we now have Wifi service in place of HBO and the cost difference is a net savings. The signal emanates from the post near the maintenance shed. I did not try linking up in the downstairs bedroom, but in the den area I got no signal. Near the pool the signal strength is strong. There was discussion about passwording the account.
There was never any mention of a financial audit. It would be my concern that no one who handles our money in bonded, we have operated for a year without a board treasurer, and the last audit was in 1996.
I asked about the batteries for the smoke alarms. We traditionally changed the batteries when we went on and off of daylight saving time. At this time the batteries have not been changed. I asked about parking stickers for the cars of owners. We have not had any new stickers available for the last three years. Justin said he would look into it.
I asked about our declaration section 3.7 that says the umbrella insurance liability cost is to be shared by unit, not by square footage. Our insurance representative, Angie, read the paragraph some time ago and said she would discuss it with Karra. Karra reported at the meeting that Angela had not yet brought this to her attention.
It was getting late and I did not bring up any other issues. I had met with Rob and Justin in October to review some items that I wanted to discuss at the annual meeting and I wanted to give them time to do some research. The three main items were (1) I would like for us to keep an inventory of fixed assets. We used to do this and it helped to keep up with our property (2) I would like to have a procedure in place to notify owners of scheduled board meetings. I have not seen any minutes of any board meetings for over a year. Jim(210) was told at the meeting that the board had voted for him to replace Dave Schultz on the board after Dave sold his place. I have no idea when that happened. (3) I would like to have a central repository of association records set up. A new owner, or any owner, could come in and review meeting minutes, the declaration and by-laws, contracts, agreements(loan for example), leases, property lines of the real property of the association, current owners list, and other things of this type.


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