Friday, November 02, 2012

I've shown this picture of the pier at the east end of Market Street in Rockport before. Something like this could be a backup plan for us should our pier access become a stalemate, or maybe even if it doesn't.  These  poles are 100 feet apart and only the outside two lights shine on the water. The center one illuminates the pier. In our case, we could install six of these on the bayside of our property and likely experience better fishing than off the pier at the present time. We put up one fixture similar to this last December near the spillway. Fishing there has been good, but trash tends to accumulate in this intersection of the breakwater and bulkhead. However, even now, folks bring their own lightning equipment and light up the water in the bay to fish behind their condo. The erosion that has occurred in recent years has led to a greater depth of water near the bulkhead and seagrass has encroached into the area. Both of these conditions have improved the fishing from the bulkhead. Last Sunday, Marv told he saw an extra large, over 20 inches, trout caught behind condo 302 in midday.
The improved efficiency of lighting and dispersive lens configurations would provide a river of light in the bay. The light at the spillway shows that no unwanted illumination would occur on the condos themselves.


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