Thursday, January 10, 2008

Its been a great week for boating. Fishing has been great and the catching has been up and down. Tuesday, John, Dick, and Don and I went out for about three hours. We reef hopped our way to the nest boxes on Long Reef. There we caught about 15 trout most all over 14 inches, but only 3 over 15. I caught one that was unusual. The trout had no spots on its body. There were maybe six spots on the tail and about seven on the dorsal fin. It sure looked like a Sand Trout. It was just a hair short of 15 inches. All the trout hit DOA except one that liked a Corky. I did learn that Don Gormley can really back a trailer. He pulled my trailer out of the ramp and made a perfect backing maneuver to park it. I complimented his parking job and he mentioned that he won a tractor backing contest at a very young age. I know who can park my trailer now. Actually the trailer is in the shop for repairs to the boards and risers.
Wednesday, Don, John, Bill and I went out. This time we found a lot of small trout at the "pipe". None were big enough to measure. We spent about three hours again and came back with no keepers. We missed the first Wednesday Happy Hour, but some food was left when we returned.
Monday we had a sewer pipe blockage in front of the maintenance building. Fred Wright Plumbing came out and opened it up. There was also a main line water leak at the corner of 101 that was repaired. Ron is working behind the 700 building on the flower beds. Scott(702) will be glad to see the 10 foot oleanders have been cut back to three feet high behind his unit.


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